To provide the most detailed and relevant insights, Key Data combines scraped data from AirBnB and VRBO with direct data from property management systems and hotel reservation systems for a comprehensive view of the local and larger market. All of our data sources are updated at least 1x per day.
Just because a reservation record or listing exists doesn’t mean that it is accurate. We clean & standardize each data source, accounting for things such as geospatial discrepancies, classification errors, and outlier identification, to ensure the highest-quality data is made available.
Our aim is to make it easy for you to deep dive into our data, which is why we customize the data delivery to your needs. For standard use cases, our dashboards allow you to filter, segment, and customize views. For more detailed use cases, we can provide flat files to allow you to manipulate the data set yourself.
To provide the most detailed and relevant insights, Key Data combines scraped data from AirBnB and VRBO with direct data from property management systems and hotel reservation systems for a comprehensive view of the local and larger market. All of our data sources are updated at least 1x per day.
Just because a reservation record or listing exists doesn’t mean that it is accurate. We clean & standardize each data source, accounting for things such as geospatial discrepancies, classification errors, and outlier identification, to ensure the highest-quality data is made available.
Our aim is to make it easy for you to deep dive into our data, which is why we customize the data delivery to your needs. For standard use cases, our dashboards allow you to filter, segment, and customize views. For more detailed use cases, we can provide flat files to allow you to manipulate the data set yourself.